The instrument includes fully motorized controls, uses traditional classic player piano rolls, and has variable speed, repeat and re-roll functions. Even without the player piano mechanism, it is a superb instrument and a great piano either for an experienced or beginning player. It includes a bench.
The Wurlizer Piano Company has maintained a very high reputation among both players and technicians for many decades. The original company was founded in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1853 by Franz Rudolph Wurlitzer. Over the years the company produced a wide array of instruments, from pianos to pipe organs to electric keyboards. It was sold to the Baldwin Piano Company in 1988.
If you are interested in making an offer on this Wurlitzer player piano or would like more information,or wish to contact the owner, please call Rensberry Piano Service at 618-654-1585, or send an email to srensberry@rensberrypiano.com. -- Steve Rensberry, 9/29/2013